Sunday, October 22, 2023

Friendly neighbor hood Spiderman Entry #6

 Picture from insomniac Games

Spiderman is more than just a fictional character. Spiderman symbolizes a hero, with real life problems. He not only deals with grief, stress, anger, and much more, but he is also a student in high school that just wants good for the world and does it all from the kindness of his heart. Spiderman is also known as Peter Parker. 

The Iconic superhero was created by Writer Stan Lee in 1962. Stan Lee is famous in Marvel and created many iconic superheroes. Arguably one of the best characters he's written has to be Spiderman. Spiderman has swung from comic, to movies, to shows, cartoons, and most recently video games. Peter Parker faces the same challenges and struggles as any teenager would from academic pressures to dealing with personal relationships. This makes Spiderman feel closer to the audience and be attached to him because of the amazing relativity the audience has to him. Spiderman uncle ben told him with great power comes great responsibility, sadly those were his last words. He was bitten by a radioactive spider and got the unique powers of web slinging from a spider that was radio active. Spiderman is more than just a Hero.

Mayhem Entry #5

Allstate uses laughter to try and get the attention of the audience. They use real life scenarios and examples that can relate to the viewer. In this Ad the Actor is obviously a male pretending to be a cat and the owners think he's a cat. 

He acts serious and uses cat examples in a deep voice, which causes laughter. This ad was made to persuade the viewer to get home insurance in a funny but, relating way.It is funny but also true, it makes it known that is important to have insurance and be protected. Mayhem is the name of the ads because it protects the mayhem or chaos that is created throughout the advertisements. This is a great way of advertisement because not only are they. making you laugh but they are informing you about a certain type of insurance. There strategy makes you want to buy the insurance advertised.

Galaxy Far, Far Away entry #4

  Star Wars came out in 1977, Stars wars has been an amazing thing for many people around the world. It has spanned from generations and at an all high to this day. In this blog well explore the legacy of Star Wars and why it continues to be as popular and great as it is.

Star Wars has the ability to connect to all generations. Wether you saw the first trilogy, prequels , or the sequels, Star Wars has came out in each generation. Star Wars is timeless, battle between good and evil, also know as jedi or Sith, or Empire or Rebels. George Lucas, the creator of starwars , unique creativity to create an immersive galaxy with diverse planets, species and cultures a galaxy far far away. There is infinite things to starters, plants like Tatooine or Naboo, or creatures like force Wales or giant bugs. Star Wars is the struggle between light and dark side, and users of the force. Force mirror our own battles between temptation , moral choices, and many more. Hope is the importance of standing up for our selves in troubled times.


Thursday, October 19, 2023

So Fresh Entry #3

  The satisfying feeling of unwrapping something by just pulling on both ends. The slight delay right before you feel that strong smooth feeling that your refreshens senses. Who knew something so little could give such a spicy, fresh ,cooling feeling. Sweet aroma , the scent that awakens your senses, and the sweet refreshment that's to come. A lot of times you crave it the most after a big meal, like onions, cheese, fries, etc. 

  As soon as it hits your tastebuds it will give you flashbacks of the first time you ever tried it, it takes me back to when I first had it at a restaurant after my family had payed the bill. The red and white patterns are so well done that it almost looks unreal and un edible. It will have you confused , is it sweet, or is it spicy? The more you savor it, the better it gets. And before you know it gets smaller and smaller until the pressure of you enjoying snaps it. 

 The feeling of eating the refreshment that comes in a small circle shaped is like no other, it sure is very unique and satisfying. Next time you open up that cool wrapper, savor the experience and simple joys of life. The beautiful sense of the human body that allow us to explain feelings through or words.

Entry #10 look around

  In the hustle of our daily lives, its easy to get caught up in challenges, and stress hat come out way. However through the chaos, its cru...