Sunday, September 10, 2023

ENTRY #1 The Project

The Project 

  Everyone has there own hobbies in there free time. On my free time I like to work on my Project truck. Working on it is like that jar of peanut butter you just can't open. No matter how hard you try and get that 35 year old bolt off its basically impossible, not even super man could get it off. My project truck is a 1988 Chevy Truck. You have to have a lot of patience when working on vehicles because anything can go wrong and be very frustrating.

   All tho it may be very frustrating at times, there is that nice feeling of accomplishment when something goes your way. Most of the time for me, when I improve something or get something fixed, something else breaks lol. You'll need a lot of free time, and dedication. Its very easy to lose motivation after something doesn't go your way. I've currently been working on it for about 9 months it looks nothing like what it did when I first started (Before Picture), from a new heart, legs and clothes. Engine, wheels, paint lights etc. Here is a picture of my Project so far! Having a project is just like real life. You can't give up when something in your life doesn't go your way, you push through it learn and become better.

   Ive learned a lot of lessons and a lot of valuable life skills. It has taught me to have a lot of patience and help set goals for my future. Even tho sometimes you feel like giving up, its never worth it, you'll always be left thinking with "what if" this implies to many things life can throw at you.


  1. Hi, you really have transformed your truck into something completely different which is really cool, it doesn't even look the same to when you originally bought it. I also totally agree with how you used your project and turned it into a lesson about persevering and staying dedicated to something even when things get difficult, it's always better to go through with something rather than regretting it later on in the future.

  2. Hey Ezequiel, I like how you were dedicated on your car project. You turned a nearly towed car into a beautiful piece without giving up. I like the fact that you learned many new skills and valuable lesson from that project that you could apply to life. Your car is truly nice and the color really stands out.

  3. Wow, that before picture shows all the progress you have made on that truck! It is really nice that working on a project car like this is your hobby, it shows that you are a hard worker. I couldn't even imagine working on something like this, so kudos to you. It looks great!

  4. What a unique hobby, Zeke; I enjoyed see the comparison between where your truck started and how it looks now. This entry does a great job of making a point about your hobby while also feeling personal and authentic to yourself. Good job!

  5. i think its a great hobby zeke. Working on a car is so mind relaxing and a very good way to learn skills for your future knowledge.


Entry #10 look around

  In the hustle of our daily lives, its easy to get caught up in challenges, and stress hat come out way. However through the chaos, its cru...