Do you like sports? Well Bleacher report always has the best sports news and main stream media news you have to hear about! I personally believe Bleacher Report is a very good Blog , it is well organized and very informational. Blogs can be very entertaining and fun. There are other blogs that may not be as interesting than others, it all depends on your liking.
A blog im not so interested in is called Far out. This is mostly because I am not a huge fan of what the specific blog writes about. This is a perfect example of my statement about may not liking certain blogs do to certain likings and amusement.
Blogs are a perfect way of expressing your self because it shows who you are, and what you are interested in. Its also a great way for you to release stress or make something cool and fun out of your very own blog. |
You have a basic start here, but you need to write more to fully develop the necessary parts (setup, point, and sign off) as well as the content that was to be covered. For instance, before you jump into analyzing and considering the blogs themselves, you first need to set up the post, establish the context, and invite the reader into the conversation. Don't forget to include citation/image source information for any images.