Sunday, October 22, 2023

Mayhem Entry #5

Allstate uses laughter to try and get the attention of the audience. They use real life scenarios and examples that can relate to the viewer. In this Ad the Actor is obviously a male pretending to be a cat and the owners think he's a cat. 

He acts serious and uses cat examples in a deep voice, which causes laughter. This ad was made to persuade the viewer to get home insurance in a funny but, relating way.It is funny but also true, it makes it known that is important to have insurance and be protected. Mayhem is the name of the ads because it protects the mayhem or chaos that is created throughout the advertisements. This is a great way of advertisement because not only are they. making you laugh but they are informing you about a certain type of insurance. There strategy makes you want to buy the insurance advertised.

1 comment:

  1. Remember to invite the reader into the conversation by establishing the context before jumping right into the ad/analysis. Aside from just summarizing the content of the ad, work to analyze these details (quotes, the setting, the larger context of the issue at hand) and really dig deep into your analysis.


Entry #10 look around

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