Sunday, September 24, 2023

Entry #2 The benefits of working out



Working out can bring so much benefits to you as a person. Its good for your peace of mind, gets you healthy, and many more positive outcomes in general. There are many ways of working out, from jogs, sports, gym etc, they all have positive outcomes to your body and mind. These are many of the befits, and exercises of working out.

Improved Physical Health, Exercise can help you burn calories and build muscle. This can be considered weight management. Whether you want to maintain a healthy weight, gain muscle, or lose weight, regularly working out can help you achieve that.

Exercises like running, swimming and cycling strengthen your heart, reducing risk of heart diseases. Another benefit being enhanced immune system.

Mental and Emotional well-being, such as stress reduction. Physical activity triggers the release of endorphins. Regular workouts can help reduce stress and improve your overall well being.

Working out also increases your lifespan. Studies have shown that consistent regular exercise is complimented with longer, healthier life. It also reduces the risk of chronic diseases and age related conditions. Better Memory, regular physical activity can improve memory and cognitive abilities making it easier to learn and retain information.

The benefits of working out extend beyond physical fitness. Exercise can improve your mental and emotional well being, increase your lifespan. Whether its as small as going for a walk, an intense workout at the gym , or something active you love doing. Start gaining those benefits and work out for a healthier and happier life.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

ENTRY #1 The Project

The Project 

  Everyone has there own hobbies in there free time. On my free time I like to work on my Project truck. Working on it is like that jar of peanut butter you just can't open. No matter how hard you try and get that 35 year old bolt off its basically impossible, not even super man could get it off. My project truck is a 1988 Chevy Truck. You have to have a lot of patience when working on vehicles because anything can go wrong and be very frustrating.

   All tho it may be very frustrating at times, there is that nice feeling of accomplishment when something goes your way. Most of the time for me, when I improve something or get something fixed, something else breaks lol. You'll need a lot of free time, and dedication. Its very easy to lose motivation after something doesn't go your way. I've currently been working on it for about 9 months it looks nothing like what it did when I first started (Before Picture), from a new heart, legs and clothes. Engine, wheels, paint lights etc. Here is a picture of my Project so far! Having a project is just like real life. You can't give up when something in your life doesn't go your way, you push through it learn and become better.

   Ive learned a lot of lessons and a lot of valuable life skills. It has taught me to have a lot of patience and help set goals for my future. Even tho sometimes you feel like giving up, its never worth it, you'll always be left thinking with "what if" this implies to many things life can throw at you.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Bleacher Report Vs Far Out

   Do you like sports? Well Bleacher report always has the best sports news and main stream media news you have to hear about! I personally believe Bleacher Report is a very good Blog , it is well organized and very informational. Blogs can be very entertaining and fun. There are other blogs that may not be as interesting than others, it all depends on your liking.Bleacher Report Favors Betting Revenue Over App Subscriptions

    A blog im not so interested in is called Far out. This is mostly because I am not a huge fan of what the specific blog writes about. This is a perfect example of my statement about may not liking certain blogs do  to certain likings and amusement.

Stream Far Out Magazine music | Listen to songs, albums, playlists for free  on SoundCloud
Blogs are a perfect way of expressing your self because it shows who you are, and what you are interested in. Its also a great way for you to release stress or make something cool and fun out of your very own blog.

Entry #10 look around

  In the hustle of our daily lives, its easy to get caught up in challenges, and stress hat come out way. However through the chaos, its cru...