Sunday, November 26, 2023

Entry #10 look around


In the hustle of our daily lives, its easy to get caught up in challenges, and stress hat come out way. However through the chaos, its crucial to take a step back and recognize the beauty that exists in every factor of life. The blessing everyone has to just simply wake up and live another day, maybe it doesn't go as planned but another day lived is another learning , and blessing.

We connect with others, through laughter shared with friends, family, or strangers, form connections. Embracing the beauty of human relationship gives life to our experiences and gives meaning to our life. The little things like stepping outside for a breathe fresh of air, going for a walk, conversating with a stranger etc.

In a world that can sometimes seem chaotic and challenging, recognizing and celebrating the beauty of life is a powerful practice. By embracing the connections we share, finding peace in nature, expressing creativity , making memories, and spreading kindness. Life is beautiful and by choosing to live a more peaceful life and appreciate   the beauty of life, we can see life in a different perspective.

photos from Greater Good Science and Positive Psychology 

Entry #9 Topics in Food Quest


Fast food catches a readers attention by using advertisements. There are many types of advertisements they use to catch the consumers attention. They make their food seem much more craving that it really is to get you to buy their food. The world is consumed by the fast food industry , they use big artist, shows, Tv Ads and the list keeps going on. 

The problem of this is that it catches everyones attention and shows you all the positives that go into consuming this food. What they try and hide from you is all the negative things it can do for your health, just from consuming one fast food meal. Fast food can cause health problems, such as heart deceases , and obesity. Studies also show it can cause mental problems as well. 

This is a big problem because a lot of people don't know the true colors of fast food. They make you crave their food by simply showing you and making their food look better in advertisements. Food is mostly affordable and fast, so essentially it is what the whole world wants, but they don't know the negative outcome of it. 

Monday, November 13, 2023

Entry #8 Gaming

Gaming is many times looked down upon. A lot of people can consider it to be a waste of time. Gaming can be an escape for many people. It can help free stress, and free your mind into peace. The gaming community is vast and diverse , encompassing people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. Online multiplayer games have become virtual meeting places where friendships can be formed. From casual players playing for fun, or people who play as a job. Many people play or stream online, and essentially make a good living.

Competitive gaming, or eSports, has grown into a billion dollar industry, with professional players, teams and organized leagues. Major tournaments draw massive online audiences. In 2019 a Fornite player by the name Bugha, played in a tournament called the Fornite World Cup. He won this tournament and won 3,000,000 dollars. The dedication and skill exhibited by esports athletes have legitimized gaming as a serious and respected pursuit.

Gaming has evolved into a dynamic and multifaceted phenomenon that extends far beyond mere entertainment. From making global communities to making education and impacting mental health positively, the world of gaming is continually expanding its influence. As we navigate the exciting landscape of virtual adventures and collaborative play. Gaming has shaped the way we connect, learn, and engage the world around us.

Images from Freepik

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Fresh Entry #7

 The documentary "Fresh" will really have you thinking where al the food you consume comes from. In a world where fast foods and industrial businesses run the food chain , "Fresh" shows us a different perspective of how see our food. The documentary explores the well being of our communities, and inspires the audience to re think their food choices. The film challenges viewers to consider the environmental and social impact of their food choices. 

This film made me think about where all the food I eat comes from. The film persuades you by showing you the benefits of buying and consuming locally grown food. It shows the positive impacts of supporting local farmers. "fresh" shows the importance of farming with care like, soil health, crop diversity, and humane treatment for the animals. It shows how industrial frames need to become more eco friendly, the animals are mistreated, and fed lots of chemicals to grow faster , which can be dangerous to consume.

"Fresh is an inspiring documentary that shows the need for shift towards sustainable, local, and healthier food choices. It allows us to see a vision of where we can all build a more environmentally friendly food system. The documentary shows you the negative of industrial farmers , and the positive outcomes of going to a local farmer, and building a stronger healthier community. 

Images from, IMDb and The Utah Statesman

Entry #10 look around

  In the hustle of our daily lives, its easy to get caught up in challenges, and stress hat come out way. However through the chaos, its cru...