Monday, November 13, 2023

Entry #8 Gaming

Gaming is many times looked down upon. A lot of people can consider it to be a waste of time. Gaming can be an escape for many people. It can help free stress, and free your mind into peace. The gaming community is vast and diverse , encompassing people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. Online multiplayer games have become virtual meeting places where friendships can be formed. From casual players playing for fun, or people who play as a job. Many people play or stream online, and essentially make a good living.

Competitive gaming, or eSports, has grown into a billion dollar industry, with professional players, teams and organized leagues. Major tournaments draw massive online audiences. In 2019 a Fornite player by the name Bugha, played in a tournament called the Fornite World Cup. He won this tournament and won 3,000,000 dollars. The dedication and skill exhibited by esports athletes have legitimized gaming as a serious and respected pursuit.

Gaming has evolved into a dynamic and multifaceted phenomenon that extends far beyond mere entertainment. From making global communities to making education and impacting mental health positively, the world of gaming is continually expanding its influence. As we navigate the exciting landscape of virtual adventures and collaborative play. Gaming has shaped the way we connect, learn, and engage the world around us.

Images from Freepik


  1. Hi! I totally agree with the idea that gaming and video games aren't a total waste of time but can rather be used as a way to escape from anything going on in one's personal life. Many might not see the benefits or the advantages that come with playing video games but if it is taken seriously it can eventually become something successful. Overall, I think you did a great job of explaining why gaming isn't so bad as it is perceived.

  2. Gaming like you said is a good way to free stress and to be more peaceful but my favorite part is just having fun talking to friends while trying to win. I don't mind competitive gaming as for some that is their job but when you trying to have fun and play the game and run into a sweat it just ruins your whole vibe overall gaming is fun and essential to interact with other people. I enjoy reading about the topics in your blog.


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