Sunday, November 26, 2023

Entry #9 Topics in Food Quest


Fast food catches a readers attention by using advertisements. There are many types of advertisements they use to catch the consumers attention. They make their food seem much more craving that it really is to get you to buy their food. The world is consumed by the fast food industry , they use big artist, shows, Tv Ads and the list keeps going on. 

The problem of this is that it catches everyones attention and shows you all the positives that go into consuming this food. What they try and hide from you is all the negative things it can do for your health, just from consuming one fast food meal. Fast food can cause health problems, such as heart deceases , and obesity. Studies also show it can cause mental problems as well. 

This is a big problem because a lot of people don't know the true colors of fast food. They make you crave their food by simply showing you and making their food look better in advertisements. Food is mostly affordable and fast, so essentially it is what the whole world wants, but they don't know the negative outcome of it. 

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